Buy an existing business or franchise

Starting a business from scratch can be challenging. Franchising or buying an existing business can simplify the initial planning process.


Know the difference between franchising and buying a business

Before you decide if one of these options is right for you, make sure you know the basics of franchising and buying an existing business. The main difference between franchising and buying an existing business is the level of control you’ll have over your business.

Franchising gives you more guidance but less control

A franchise is a business model where one business owner (the “franchisor”) sells the rights to their business logo, name, and model to an independent entrepreneur (the “franchisee”). Restaurants, hotels, and service-oriented businesses are commonly franchised.

Two common forms of franchising are:

When you buy a franchise, you get the right to use the name, logo, and products of a larger brand. You’ll also get to benefit from brand recognition, promotions, and marketing. But, it also means you have to follow rules from the larger brand about how you run your business.

Buying an existing business gives you more control but less guidance

Buying an existing business is exactly what it sounds like. The buyer typically takes over full ownership of the business. The largest advantage is having an existing blueprint that can include important factors like an established customer base, defined operating expenses, and fully trained employees. Regardless of business type, almost any kind of business could be bought or sold.

When you buy an existing business, you typically get complete control over its direction. However, with no set vision, infrastructure, or external guidance, your business could struggle as you figure out the best way to run things.

Consider three factors before franchising or buying a business

Though the business models differ, there are three common steps to take that will help you determine whether you should franchise or buy a business.

Quantify your investment.

Buy existing business franchise

Consider your talent and life.

Buy existing business franchise

Review the full landscape.

Business franchise

Pick the right franchise or existing business for you

Once you know whether you want to franchise or buy a business, you’ll need to evaluate each specific opportunity. In short, it boils down to this: do your due diligence.

Your research should help you understand the business from both a financial standpoint and in the overall landscape.

If you’re interested in franchising, you should explore:

If you’re interested in buying an existing business, you'll want to look into: