Apply for an individual disability parking permit

You can apply for a disability parking permit for your own use. You can also apply on behalf of an applicant as an agent/ parent / carer.

There are 2 types of disability parking permits:

If you have an Australian disability parking permit issued interstate and you move to Queensland, you will need to apply for a new permit within 14 days of becoming a Queensland resident.


You can apply for an Australian disability parking permit if you are a Queensland resident and 1 of the following applies to you:

Mobility impairment

Vision impairment

An intellectual, psychiatric, cognitive or sensory impairment alone does not meet the eligibility criteria unless you have an eligible mobility or vision impairment.

Permit cost

You will need to pay $19.75 for:

An application cannot be processed without payment of the non-refundable fee.

How to apply for a disability parking permit – individual

You can apply online

Apply online

For applicants with a mobility impairment

You may be required to provide medical certification with your online application. If this is required you will need to scan and attach a completed copy of Section 2 - Medical Assessment and Section 3 – Doctor/Occupational Therapist's Certification of the Australian Disability Parking Permit - Mobility Impairment Application (Individual) (F4814) to apply through this online service.

For applicants diagnosed as legally blind

You will need to provide a copy (front and back) of one of the following cards:


If you do not have one of those cards, provide medical certification with your application. You will need to scan and attach a completed copy of Section 3 – Legally blind assessment and Section 4 - Doctor, Optometrist or Ophthalmologist certification of the Australian Disability Parking Permit - Legally Blind Application (Individual) (F5280) to apply through this online service.

Apply in person or by post

How to apply: applicants with a mobility impairment

2. Ask your health professional to complete Section 2 and Section 3 of the application.

3. Lodge your completed application in person at your nearest transport and motoring customer service centre or by post and pay the fee. Do not send cash by post. Make your cheque or money order payable to the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Post your completed application with cheque or money order to:

Department of Transport and Main Roads
Disability Parking Permit Scheme
GPO Box 5232

How to apply: applicants diagnosed as legally blind